
Klein Kitchen & Bath

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7 Splurge Worthy Kitchen Gifts!

With the holidays rapidly approaching we know you are searching for last minute gift ideas. We put our heads together to come up with our top splurge worthy items to get for your loved ones this holiday season, all revolving around the heart of your home…the kitchen! Check out our gift guide and let us know if any of these amazing gift items are on your list.

Investing in a Farmhouse Kitchen

If you’re looking to remodel your kitchen, you’ve probably started to do your homework about the different types of kitchen styles that are out there. While the most common style of kitchen is still the Transitional Kitchen, the 2019 Houzz trends study reveals that the Farmhouse style kitchen is quickly moving up the ranks in […]

Our Favorite Kitchen Storage Ideas Right Now

Kitchen storage is something that is on everyones mind, especially during a remodel! We wanted to give you some of our favorite kitchen storage ideas to help you utilize every inch of space in your kitchen, and inspire you for your next remodel.

5 Renovation Tips for Busy Moms


Mother’s Day is this weekend, and we wanted to give a shoutout to all of the amazing Moms who on top of everything decide to undergo home renovations! Adding that extra level of stress is not easy on anyone, but when factoring in playdates, school plays, soccer games, and doctors appointments, among other things, we […]